Start making money
My personal business model, driven by ABS and Webinar Fuel!
If you're new to online marketing, then this article applies to you as an example of how to succeed in the ABS System. Use all the tools and automation available to you as a member. Then you can open this system up and make it whatever you want your future to be about.
As Vick would say, start with the biggest domino. For me that is ABS combined with Webinar Fuel. According to the test marketing that was done, we should expect to get about 3X more sales with Webinar Fuel than without it. It looks like Webinar Fuel is going to be available as an evergreen product from here on out.
The first step in business is to make some money. When money does start to come, the second step is to use it to make more money. For me this process will continue until I reach a place, I call stable condition. A stable condition is when I have enough money coming in to cover all my business expenses including advertising, and still have enough money to pay my bills plus have a comfort zone to live well.
Once I’ve hit this plateau my next question is, is this system sustainable and automated. The money must continue to flow even when I’m sleeping. This brings me to another part of ABS that Vick is talking about having ready soon. Soon there will be an evergreen traffic system available to us that will be a great way to automate the current system.
So, combining three items’ ABS, Webinar Fuel, and evergreen traffic system, I believe we can all easily establish a ten thousand dollar per month business in less than one year, and have it be stable and automated!
To me this is where the real business focus begins. Once I establish the above scenario, then I will go into ponder mode. This is where I think about where I want my life to go from this point forward. As far as business my question is what’s next. I’m an older guy so my business day is from 6am until 1pm, then it’s nap time.
I’m keeping my eye open (inside joke) I lost an eye as a young man, and my eye color is gold. That is how I became GoldEyeOnline. I’m already a member of 7K Metals, I’m looking at Trade Fussion, who knows what the future holds? Maybe a European river cruise!
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